during the last couple of days a serious debate emerged on the web-platform of "my" radio-station FM4. the debate uprose as a (german) study was made public saying that radio itself was a "female medium": the listenership of basically all radio stations is a female one - by far more women listen to the radio than men do. this study is said to be also valid for austria - with one exception: Radio FM4, the only nationwide broadcasting station in central europe (at least as far as i know) which airs nothing but "alternative" music, a station that defines itself as modern, progressive, and more or less feminist. FM4 is the only station that has a significantly larger male than female listenership. Martin Blumenau, host and "mastermind" of FM4, wrote ensuing an essay, trying to find out the reasons for this said "anomaly" (http://fm4.orf.at/blumenau/217568/main). ending his thoughts he raised the question, if music consumption/listening-habits were a question of education/rudiments - girls still being raised to become consensus-orientated and compliant, to take the way of the least resistance and boys tending to be rebellious.
in an answer to this essay listener "salx" offered a different, yet similar answer (http://fm4.orf.at/blumenau/217576/main): core-thesis of it was that men "define" themselves via rebellion, while women "defemalize" themselves by doing so. on the other hand, women/girls are from their early childhood on being seen as being not the norm, while men/boys state the norm. as a consequence, men define themselves via their autonomy of dependencies, their ability to dominate, while women, as the non-norm, never have the possibility to dominate. therefore, they seek free space for themselves within this sphere of domination. on the other hand, youth culture is per definitionem a game with autonomy and counterweight. it is hence the ultimate boy's corner, so "salx". and as in kindergarten, boys don't tolerate no female intruders in their realm, and if, only to the prize of defemalization. and as mainstream music/radiostations do not state youth culture, but have their place in the male sphere of domination, they pose the perfect free space.
so far the theories.
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