Dienstag, 2. September 2008

Last Summer Days

So I'm back from holidays in Italy, tomorrow my working routine starts again. Probably I'm going to post pictures of my fine summer here, probably not...

Interesting days will yet not end, as Ars Electronica Festival is going to take place in my lovely city. This year's motto is - for me, as a graduated law student - of considerable interest: The Limits of Intellectual Property. The Festival-Homepage says:

'Under the banner of “A NEW CULTURAL ECONOMY – The Limits of Intellectual Property” the 2008 Ars Electronica Festival aims to co-author the preamble to a new knowledge-based society. What’s at stake: the interplay of freedom of information and copyright protection, big profit-making opportunities and the vision of an open knowledge-based society. And this is also a matter of practical, workable regulations governing this new reality, rules whose formulation ought not to be left up to lawyers and MBAs alone.

Check out the site!