or: this is the end. The record dealer i trust dies a slow death. Since weeks he has been selling out his store. And by saying store i mean it: you can buy everything from the italian flag, which used to hang in it, to the racks. This week's special offer: every record at half price. So today i also went there and made myself guilty of robbing dead people (there's a really beautiful german word for this deed: Leichenfledderei). After having made my way through the remnants of what used to be one of the best arranged record dealers in my area and leaving Robbie Williams behind and finding a couple of records which have been so far neglected by the greedy sell-out-crowd, i came to ask the vendor on what will happen with the shop and it's owner. well, he will open a store for cellphones. yeah. that was the answer i wanted to hear. me (rather disillusioned - i already imagined him as, minimum, the guy who helps a young promising band to make it's breakthrough. seems as if i was hopelessly romantic...) expressing my disappointment on this, she only answered that one had to follow the signs of the times. yeah, sure, of course. brave new world.
good news on the other hand: lovely
Seewiesenfest will take place again, bringing a fine mix of austrian and mainly north-american indie-bands onto the stage, among them "someone still loves you boris yeltsin". nice name, nice music.
Someone still loves you Boris Yeltsin - House Fireterrible name, nice music: Maserati (i don't like sports cars. just think of the people driving them.) those guys may also be no musical revolutionaries*, still, they do good post rock.
Maserati - 12/16so that there's also some other music than the usual rockist pabulum:
Timbuktu feat. Simone Moreno - Vem pra bahia hasta luego,
*question: what was the last really "revolutionary" stuff? happy hardcore? euro-dance-trash?? the strokes??? ahem.