2006 was a a rather weird year, probably the one with the most turnarounds ever, and a sometimes very depressing one, reaching its low point in june. nevertheless, there were unforgettable moments, and, above all, i made so many new friends like never before. Not to forget, i never saw so many beautiful places all over Europe in one year. Alors, here's a little review of my own private 2006:
Best song: Beirut - Scenic World (Version)
5 best records (in no special order): ...Trail of Dead - So divided; Beirut - Gulag Orkestar; Clap your Hands say Yeah with their self-titled album; TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain; Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Show your bones; i definitely forgot some, but those were the first which came to my mind, so they must be the best. Anyway, 2006 wasn't one which striked for it's outstanding musical innovation. Best shown by the fact, that all the songs and bands i listened most are from the 80ties and early 90ties (Joy Division; Talking Heads; and newly discovered: Ride). Generally, 2006 was more a year to discover music from past decades, which isn't too bad either.
Most disappointing records: Placebo - Meds; Muse - Black Holes... I don't know what this Muse-hype is all about. It doesn't happen yery often that i turn off the radio when hearing a song i don't like. Muse made me do so. When i want to listen to Queen i'll stick to the original.
5 best concerts: Number 1 were, no doubt, Belle & Sebastian at Frequency Festival, Salzburg. In no special order: Radiohead at Sziget Festival, Budapest; Calexico at Frequency Festival; Saint Morrissey at Rock en Seine Festival, Paris; Shantel doing an awsome open air DJ-set in Cartagena, Spain.
Craziest moment: Tens of thousands enthusiastic Italians celebrating their squads victory over France in the streets of Zürich. Steff an me right in the middle. And, of course, Zidane headbutting Matterazzi. Des excuses, mai pas de regrets, il disait apres. Zizou, you are the greatest!
Most beautiful moment: Me standing on the terrace of a Spanish friend's summer residence in Spain, una cervezita in the one hand, a fag in the other, watching the sea, and praying this moment not to end. Or was it the KHG-Sommerfest, me DJ-ing and making people dance???
Low point: One major defeat in love matters and a second in job matters, both suffered within a period of three weeks.
Best book: Juri Andruchowitsch - Moscoviada
Best city: all of 'em. Be it Lisboa, Sevilla, Madrid, Barcelona, Bordeaux, Lyon, Montpellier, Paris, Zürich, Praha, Budapest or Wien.
2007, here i come.